MPGs or Market Product Groups on Hxro Network refers to a group of products that can be accessed using a Trader Risk Group (TRG). A trader account is directly linked to an MPG and cannot be used for any other MPG. For example, if a trader has created an account to trade perpetuals on MPG A, he cannot use the same account to trade ZDFs on MPG B. To do so, he would have to create a separate TRG.
The same also applies to dApps like PepperDEX building on Hxro. dApps have to connect with a specific MPG to offer products listed on that MPG. For example, to offer perpetuals, a Hxro ecosystem dApp must connect via code with the desired MPG that consists of perpetuals.
In practice, MPGs may or may not be differentiated based on the products they list, as an MPG may host perpetuals and expiring futures such as ZDFs. For specific use cases, such as forex and commodity derivatives, one may also desire to create their own MPG with custom risk parameters provided to the Hxro Network risk engine.
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